Sunday, November 30, 2014

Write the FCC to explain why Net Neutrality is important to you

Write the FCC telling them why net neutrality is important to you by clicking the FCC Comment Form link above.  FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is trying to pass through a plan that would all but eliminate net neutrality.  Big ISPs like Comcast and Time Warner would create a two tier internet, one that would include the fee paying elite and one with the rest of us not able to stream content on demand. 

What is Net Neutrality

What is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality says that every website on the internet should have a fair equal amount of bandwidth allotted to them.  Meaning amazon should be just as easy and quick to access as your personal blog website.

So what would change if net neutrality wasn't in effect?

  • Websites that "pay to play" would load without restrictions on bandwidth
  • Website that don't "pay to play" will have their bandwidth throttled back, making for slow loading videos and a frustrating user experience
  • ISP owned websites will be prompted in ways you never thought possible
  • ISP competitor websites may takes hours to fully load or never load at all
Watch the College Humor video above for a funny look at how getting rid of net neutrality can effect your internet